UUP dump

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Release type Description Architectures
Latest Public Release build Latest updated build for regular users.
Latest Release Preview build Reliable builds for previewing the next release.
Ideal for trying out upcoming releases.
Latest Beta Channel build Reliable builds with most upcoming features available.
Ideal for early adopters.
Latest Dev Channel build Somewhat unreliable builds with the latest features.
Ideal for highly technical users.

  Recently added builds

Build Architecture Date added Update ID
Windows 11 Insider Preview 10.0.26120.2415 (ge_release_upr) arm64arm642024-11-24 14:35:57 UTC960c63e1-21e3-4a2e-8275-07afd6c6ff4f
Windows 11 Insider Preview 10.0.26120.2415 (ge_release_upr) amd64x642024-11-24 05:59:03 UTC418cb9c8-dac2-4730-a9c6-d7e219f7692b
Feature update to Windows 10, version 22H2 (19045.5194) x86x862024-11-23 22:23:12 UTCc8e4042b-d6f9-4158-ac72-4ee70a6e2bc2
Feature update to Windows 10, version 22H2 (19045.5198) x86x862024-11-23 22:22:34 UTC03e7f864-f321-466d-8a39-49c764c19f02
Feature update to Windows 10, version 22H2 (19045.5198) arm64arm642024-11-22 14:10:25 UTC11cc8044-90bb-438d-9c7b-ba8f00bd4eed
Feature update to Windows 10, version 22H2 (19045.5198) amd64x642024-11-22 10:23:51 UTC7ab4fc06-757e-4b13-897e-7f76bba9e469
Feature update to Windows 10, version 22H2 (19045.5196) x86x862024-11-21 09:27:40 UTCa40b70ac-2763-4b61-88c0-ccac4f61d38a
Feature update to Windows 10, version 21H2 (19044.5131) x86x862024-11-21 09:27:40 UTC3ba7da8c-0e1f-4b49-b52c-b4a78dd21bd5
Feature update to Windows 10, version 22H2 (19045.5196) amd64x642024-11-19 18:11:08 UTC476e30d4-de6d-407b-bb6d-344fd1e64dc7
Feature update to Windows 10, version 22H2 (19045.5194) arm64arm642024-11-17 16:53:21 UTCb1f38cfc-d666-4270-8106-4dccbd1cc616
Feature update to Windows 10, version 22H2 (19045.5194) amd64x642024-11-15 02:57:54 UTC74db1138-e0bb-4698-aed9-ec4ea015cee8
Feature update to Windows 10, version 22H2 (19045.5131) x86x862024-11-14 13:25:08 UTCc2a656ea-022e-40a6-a3d3-6edc66da996e
Feature update to Windows 10, version 21H2 (19044.5131) arm64arm642024-11-13 08:57:48 UTCbb330be7-699e-4bca-a85a-71d14f596936
Feature update to Windows 10, version 21H2 (19044.5131) amd64x642024-11-13 08:16:33 UTC0955d4cf-c8ee-477f-becd-d72a5be2f98d
Feature update to Windows 10, version 22H2 (19045.5131) arm64arm642024-11-13 04:16:56 UTC0df49cbd-1432-4d37-b9a4-81364b076804